
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

About Meg : The Introduction

Hello and welcome to my blog – Miss Meghan Elizabeth.  Just a few months ago I started Etsy Shop where I sell my handmade jewelry.  Crafting has always been a hobby of mine and right now I’m using Miss Meghan Elizabeth as my creative outlet and I love it.  The next step for me is my blog – where I want to share my ideas, other crafts, and my favorite adventures.

I was planning on doing a classic “Etsy” artist interview as my introduction blog post, but they are all the same and I want you to actually finish reading this post.  Instead, I’m going to share some of my topic ideas and hope that you’ll comment and tell me what you’re most excited to read.

  • My incredible husband and best friend: I plan on featuring our many adventures, including out goal this year of hiking one summit each month
  • My sister is getting married next summer and the planning has started: I can’t wait to share my tips on making your own invites.
  • I am a huge advocate of shopping local and plan on reviewing craft fairs, introducing you to local artists, and celebrating holidays with handmade finds.
  • Farmers Market Finds: I’m just as passionate about coking as I am with my jewelry, possibly more.  I plan on sharing recipes, cooking tips, reviewing Food Network Magazine each month, and introducing you to lots of craft beer.
  • I’m completely self taught in jewelry making and I’ll share with you the engineering process when I develop new designs.
  • And of course, shameless promotions featuring my jewelry collections, new items, and what’s selling.

So that’s my intro and I hope at least one of my features has left you excited to come back for more.  I would love it if you’d leave a comment and tell me which one – or maybe you have another idea for my blog!

Thanks so much,


  1. Great intro, pretty blog and cute shop. :)

  2. i like your work station.. get crafty! :)

  3. Sounds like you have a great plan . . . have fun with it.

  4. Meg - beautiful - as always......

  5. Thanks everyone for your kind comments! I'm excited to keep sharing my journey with you.

  6. I think you've got a great mix of topics there, I'm interested in all of them! Can't wait to read all about your adventures.
