
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hoppy Thursday: Week 2

Week 2 : Growth
(Matt Shares this week!)
The hops are growing just as we expected. All four rhizomes have sprouted and begun to grow. We even needed to add a string Wednesday night for one of the Mt. Hoods. One problem we found as we transplanted last year was that the plants we very fragile. This year, since the hops grow so fast, we are considering trimming them back periodically so the stronger bases of the stems will flourish. This week we trimmed one down to the base on Tuesday and we will watch its progress to make sure this won’t kill the plants. It’s actually not looking too good so far.
Beer Recommendation:

This is one of my favorite beers, a definite go to that’s fairly easy to find, especially at a bar that may not carry craft beers. It’s a nice red beer with great flavor.
Buy it if: You want great flavor at a reasonable price.
Don’t buy it if: You’re looking for a craft beer not made by one of those “big corporate companies.” It’s made by Coors.
Buy it for: The guys that just helped you move into your new apartment. It’s great after work and shows that you care more than handing them a cheap beer but it is inexpensive.
Average Cost: $12/12pack

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