
Saturday, October 8, 2011

DIY - Autumn Craft Time

This DIY is very simple and does not count as me teaching you anything. It's more like an idea spelled out to help you get your creative juices flowing for Halloween decorations. And it's my first blog post done entirely with mobile devices! Photos were taken from an iPhone, emailed, uploaded and edited on an iPad, and this post is written by BlogPress.

I wasn't planning on any Halloween decor this year but who doesn't love to decorate pumpkins, especially when you have a long weekend devoted to crafting to fit it in. I didn't want to carve so it would last longer, and I thought about painting leaves but then I'd need paint. But I do have chalkboard paint!

First I washed all the dirt off the pumpkin. I chose one that was about the size of a soccer ball and had a fun stem. After that I just painted it with two coats of chalkboard paint, nothing special.

And this is my pumpkin done!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Fun! And less messy than carving. My husband wants to carve pumpkins "for real" this year, and I'm not looking forward to it.
