
Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Favorites: Installment 1

Friday is now devoted to my favorite discovery of the week.  Without futher delay:

Friday Favorite Installment One:

I found from this:

You HAVE to go to this blog post to see the details of what this person created online. It's my dream to have my own cookbook and this will be my platform.  What I discovered through the Blurb website is that it is a tool to create not only cookbooks, but any bound book, and the prices are reasonable.  You can create a coffee table book with just photos, or a children's book about a favorite vacation.  You can create a book from your instagram account.   And wait for it: you can also turn them all into ebooks that you can sell! So thank you social media, pinterest and the blog world in particular, for introducing me to  We will soon become great friends.

What's your Friday Favorite? Don't forget to tweet it too! #FF


  1. Cool post and groovy site. Can't wait to work with it!

  2. I saw that somewhere this week--maybe Pinterest? I think it sounds awesome!
