
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pinterest - I did it! Project 1

I finally did something I pinned!  I feel like this is a great accomplishment and  can justify that by all the blog posts I've been reading about the same thing.  We're pinning and pinning away and it's now become a challenge to take the great ideas we see and put them into action.

If you know me outside of the internet (which I'm not sure how any of my blog readers fit into this category) you know that I almost always have my hair in a braid.  It's either a pony tail with a braided tail, a french braid, or inside our french braid.  This hairstyle that I pinned I actually saw on Craft Gawker first (but who uses that now that we have Pinterest?!) But Craft Gawker did have a video - which I watched and then figured it out.
Source: via Miss on Pinterest

And here is my completed version.  My hair was still wet (the only way I can get a good tight braid in) so it's not as flowey as the Pinterest photo but I think I did a pretty good job.  At first the hubby didn't like it - but when it comes to my hair style I tend to stick to what I like :-)  I haven't done it again since - but maybe I'll try it again tomorrow!

Have you tried any hair styles or fashion ideas that you've pinned? I'm finding them easier than the crafts because they don't take much time.


  1. Ohhh! I like this idea! I have never been one to braid my hair, but maybe I'll try this one! Thanks :)

  2. Hooray for Pinterest projects!

    I got a haircut based on a style I saw on there, but I've never tried the waterfall braid.

  3. When I saw that braid on Pinterest it looked like it would be hard to get it even. But your braid came out great! I think yours is better!

  4. That's an interesting look. I used to french braid my hair and really liked it. That looks like a sideways french braid. Congrats on doing something you've pinned!
