
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Support a Creative Woman

I saw this yesterday on Pinterest.  As I'm reading down I'm thinking "wow, a modern women is pretty awesome if you ask me."  Then I got to the bottom "pick any two," ha! Now that's more like it.

Do any of us really have a perfect little world all put together?  Are any of us getting it right?  Who decides what's right anyway?

Kori, a friend of mine is about to embark on an adventure of self discovery to reflect on  that very question: "what's right anyway?" She's planning a solo thru hike of the Appalachian Trail.  This is not for the faint of heart - or those that don't like to be alone for long periods of time.  I admire her strength.

I also admire her creativity.  Kori is a filmmaker and will be documenting her trip to produce film - Alpine Zone upon her return.  You really need to watch the trailer to see the significance:

Kori has been furiously raising the funding required for her trip.  She has only 4 days left and if you're interested in helping back her project you can help here: 
The film will only be funded if she reaches her $6,500 budget by the 15th - She's very close and if you can offer even a very small donation ($10) she'd appreciate it and will send you a post card!

The film website is if you're intrested in when the film comes up - and to follow her blog (which I hope she'll post on during her hike!)  Thanks in advance for helping her out! It's an amazingly creative film project!

Source: via Miss on Pinterest


  1. speaking of deserving crative women.... please blog about your new craft room.. i am sooo excited.. :)

  2. What an interesting project! Off to read her Kickstarter info...
