
Friday, February 24, 2012

First Indoor Craft Fair Experience

 I'm still new to the craft fair world.  So far I have two outdoor fairs under my belt and one of them was a two day event.  I did alright at both of them making just over twice my booth fee.  I have enjoyed the shows and the people and and will be applying to both again.  During the holidays I started looking for an indoor show to help me sell some Inventory before we moved.  
I ended up doing a very small show at a high school.  I did manage to make twice my booth fee, but when the fee is only $25 it is not very impressive.  The good thing is that indoor shows are very easy to transport and set up and I would do another one if it was a better fit.  I learned with this experience that the less expensive a show is seems to correlate to customers looking for less expensive items.   I do not fit in this category.  You live and you learn.  
And because everyone loves booth photos, here is my first indoor set up for a Holiday show.
Have you done an indoor fair? Has anyone else had the same experience with a less expensive fair bringing customers unwilling to make more expensive purchases? Does anyone have any constructive feedback on my booth set up.  I'm working on some new branding for my upcoming fairs this season!   


  1. Your booth looks great! I love all the eclectic pieces you used to display your work!

    Not always, but often times, less expensive shows do tend to be worse shows for me as well. I have learned to be picky about the shows I attend, but I had to do a lot of shows before I knew which ones to return to and which ones to turn down.

    1. Thanks for the kind comments and advise - I have a few more shows lined up this summer!

  2. I agree with memoriesforlifescrapbooks. I've learned over the years to stick with juried, all handmade, established shows. Talking to other crafters in your area is a good way to share show experiences, too. Better luck at the next one.

  3. The booth fee for the show has had very little correlation with the amount people are willing to spend. It really depends on the publicity and the clientele. On Etsy, I don't list a lot of items under $5.00 because it isn't worth the effort with photographing and factoring in the Etsy and PayPal fees. However, I've greatly expanded the lower end of my work for shows because a lot of people are interested in impulse buys and small gift items. It is much easier to work up a couple trays of magnets or $5 earrings for a show than it is to list them all on Etsy. Best of luck!

    1. Great idea Rose to make show specific items, thanks for the tip!

  4. This looks really good! I have done some indoor shows a lot like this. And I totally agree with Rose...have small items that are cheap displayed out front. They really draw in people and you'll make most of the days income that way :)
