
Friday, April 20, 2012

Pinterest - I did it! Cocktail Time

I've been pinning and cooking lots of things lately that I still need to share with you.  In honor of the early spring we're enjoying here in Boston - I tried this one last night and LOVED it!

If you're from Boston maybe you've purchased or been gifted Absolute Boston - an elderberry infused vodka and have no idea what to do with it.  It's a odd flavor and this cocktail happens to have it!  There is a substitution suggestion included if you don't want to go out and get such a strange liquor.  The cocktail basically a margarita with wine on top.  I did fine it a bit on the boozy side, which might be good for you - I'll just remember to cut the recipe in half next time for one cocktail.  Enjoy!

And one more noteworthy thing to mention.  Fenway Park is celebrating 100 years today!  



  1. What an interesting drink! I've never heard of elderberry liquor before. It looks like a fun thing to try for spring, though! (ha, that rhymed)

  2. That looks amazing! I need to try more Pinterest recipes. I got to go to Fenway a few years ago when my husband's band played the House of Blues across the street. We got a tour of the stadium and then got to watch a game. It was really cool!
