
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Two for the Summit : April

My husband Matt and I decided this year as a way to stay active together to hike one summit each month.  We started last month in California when we hiked Mt. Lee (where the Hollywood sign is!) it was about a 600ft elevation gain from where we started.  This month we chose Mt. Wachusett.  A a ski destination near Boston.  The hike was about a 1000ft elevation gain from the ski lodge.  We broke out our new adventure toys - our rugged waterproof camera, and our gorilla pod, we took the picture below ourselves!
It was fun hiking around a ski mountain.  Part of the hike went straight across three trails, and of course, there was the chair lift right before the summit.
It only took us about two hours for the round trip.  It was such a clear day that from the summit we could see Boston and Mt. Monadnock.  We're planning on hiking in Connecticut in May, and hopefully doing Monadnock again in June gearing up to attempt Mt. Washington 4th of July weekend.  We've wanted to do a big summit for a while now and want to make it happen this summer.  Do you hike? What summits are in your area?


  1. What a nice thing to do together! I like to hike, but I haven't done much of it lately. Maybe over the summer.
