
Friday, June 24, 2011

Miss Meghan Elizabeth's First Craft Fair!

After being inspired by Courtney from CMM Jewelry who guest blogged for me about craft fair tips - I signed up for my first show!  It was a jury show and I waited a few weeks to find out if I was accepted.  I was traveling when I found out and was ecstatic when Matt texted me a photo of the letter!  Congratulations! and Welcome to Festival on the Lake. 

Matt was so encouraging and before we found out I'd be a vendor, he helped me build my displays anyway.  At the end of the day I made back my booth fee and investment on my display items.  It helped that we built them ourselves.  I will be sharing a tutorial on the necklace display soon!

What I was most excited about from the experience:
  • The support from fellow Etsy sellers and teams - I wouldn't have done it without you!
  • I took time away from blogging and Etsy to work on inventory and I'm so proud of my new designs!
  • I can still make back a booth fee in the pouring rain! (yes - poured for 3 of the 6 hours during the fair!)
  • Instant feedback - something that selling online can't offer...
  • I was so worried about my prices being too high - then I sold my most expensive piece - Success!
  • I'm more confident in my pricing then ever before - I've increased them slightly in my shop which will be important to any long term success
  • I met potential Miss Meghan Elizabeth brides and have a custom Bridesmaid line hitting the shop soon!
  • I'm planning on doing more shows and getting myself and my work out on the streets!
My booth! - Matt made me my banner! He's the greatest husband ever!

Some details - I used my chalkboard wine glass charms as price labels

Gave away lots of business cards! I love marketing Etsy on my cards - they have given me this opportunity.

Some details - my about me artist profile, mirror and earring display that cost 25 cents!

Obsessed with my necklace display - and plan to share with you how to make your own!

Seeeeester was my helper! Thanks Jenny!
 Cross your fingers that I get into my next show - I have my eyes on this cute little Vintage Bazaar on a farm at the end of September - and it will be a two day show.


    1. So happy for you! I am very excited about the jewelry for my bridesmaids!

    2. Thanks Cathy - just sent you an email!

    3. Your booth looks wonderful! I love all of the special details you added to your booth.

      Congrats on such a successful first craft show!

    4. Congratulations! That looks like a lot of fun, and I'm glad it was both a success AND great motivation for you!

    5. Hi I saw on the Etsy forum that you are planning on providing tutorial on making jewelry display. I'm new to craft shows and very interested at that! I love the framed display you made for your earrings. Please let me know when your tutorial is available! Thanks :)

    6. Debbie - the tutorial on the necklace display is live:

    7. I was just going to comment and tell you how much I love your necklace display- so sweet of you to share the tutorial as well!
