
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Two for the Summit : June

I apologize to my followers for falling off the wagon so quickly!  Life was getting crazy, it is summer after all, and I needed to prioritize.  Unfortunately; my husband, day job, and Etsy shop came first.

But I'm back now and I'm going to set a smaller blog goal, two per week.  Likely Tuesdays and Fridays.  Of course, this is if I have good content.  Anyway, now that the housekeeping is done, on to the post.

If you've been a regular reader you know that my husband Matt and I set a goal this year of hiking a summit a month, we're preparing for Mount Washington which will be the next one!

March: Hiked to the top of the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles, CA
April: Washusett Mountain - MA
May: Sleeping Giant - CT
June: Mount Monadnock -NH

Mt. Monadnock is one of the most climbed mountains in New England.  It's steep, climbing 1,800 feet in just over two miles.  I think it's fun though because of all the rocks you need to climb over.  We couldn't have gotten a nicer day either - I hope the weather is this forgiving for Mt. Washington.  We've also discovered that if we get in two summits in July, we could hit five states in five months - an equally exciting goal!

In other news, I did my first craft fair while I've been away from the blog world and hope to share that very soon! Maybe Friday!  And I've joined Twitter.  I'm still learning how to use it, but in the mean time I've enjoyed following some of my favorite celebrity chefs!  I also kept seeing people post Instagram photos.  They are so fun and help keep people updated with what I'm doing when I'm not blogging.  Yesterday I posted my first one - it's the photo above, how cool does that look?!

Thanks for reading - have you gotten outside this summer yet?


  1. I have never hiked a mountain in my entire life! Is it scary?

  2. Paige! Not at all - try the app AllTrails to find something near you that's small - it's amazing looking out on the world from on top of it!

    I will admit thought, I'm nervous about Mt. Washington - the highest in New England.

  3. How wonderful and what a fun thing for you to do together. My huband and I are hikers. We have no mountains near us but we hike wooded trails and we live by the Dunes so we hike those as well. But if we come to a mountain....we will hike it!

    Enjoy the summer!
